
Past Events

Western Region Committee Meeting – 28th July 2017

The second meeting of AMCHAM’s Western Region Committee (WRC) was held over a concall on Friday, 28th July 2017. Mr. Mahesh Krishnamurti, Chairman – Western Region, AMCHAM and Managing Director, RGP, along with Ms. Kaku Nakhate, National Executive Board Member, AMCHAM and President & Country Head, Bank of America, and participating WRC members of the regional steering committee reviewed the past events which included specialized and topical events, learning and sharing forums, advocacy initiatives, as well as engagement and interaction with senior leaders and representatives of state governments. In addition to reviewing AMCHAM’s past events and brainstorming on forthcoming events, committee members collaborated on concepts, ideas and sub group initiatives for the proposed Western Region signature event proposed in December 2017.