Past Events
AmCham Breakfast Meeting – Topic: “Elephants Can Dance – An Assessment of India’s Economic Performance and Potential”. Speaker: Dr. Sunder Ramaswamy, Director, Madras School of Economics – 27 August 2015
India’s economic performance during the first three decades since independence was christened the “Hindu” rate of growth, a term first used by Prof. Rajkrishna. This was stated by Dr. Sunder Ramaswamy during the August breakfast meet. That reference is fast fading away, thanks to the remarkable transformation in India during the last two decades. Since 1980, its economic growth rate has more than doubled, rising from 1.7 percent (in per-capita terms) in 1950-1980 to 3.8 percent in 1980-2000. Shackled by the socialist policies and the “license-permit-quota raj” of the past, India used to serve as the exemplar of development strategies gone wrong……